Saturday, October 6, 2012

Disown and Repent

Lectio Divina

I disown what I have said,
and repent in dust and ashes.

Job 42:6


Finished reading A Church Reborn by the National Catholic Reporter. Once I am through with my next class assignment on early monasticism, I think I may turn my personal time toward study of the Second Vatican Council documents.


This morning: a brief consultation with my editorial team on The Caperone. Also, the second meeting of the nutritionist with our fraternity on health and wellness. This afternoon, house chores and preparation for the small group presentation on early monasticism in class on Monday. This evening, getting an early start for the Sunday evening meal, with dessert and appetizer preparations.

Began the day in a pensive mood; in between and within the work that has to be done, I wish to remain there, even if it makes me a little cranky, as often happens when I try to surrender and think as God thinks. Oh, God, help me to disown frivolous talk (and frivolous deeds), be still, be silent, and do what you desire.


Yesterday I typed too soon: the faint breezes became great gusts during our commemoration of our deceased Franciscan ancestors at evening prayer. May that wind be at my back, and may I face the right direction so as to be carried along on the way God wills.

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