Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Interim Chapel

Lectio Divina

Do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus.

Colossians 3:17


Finished Chesterton, Saint Francis of Assisi. Continuing with Mumford, The City in History. Now perusing the pages of the current issue of Commonweal.


Morning prayer and Mass in our classroom, our interim chapel, now that our main chapel has been "decommissioned" and is awaiting renovation activities, which will take place all day Friday. More than one novice brother spoke of the intimacy of prayer and worship in a space that at first glance seemed uncongenial to such a quality of gathering. But in spite of the whitewashed brick walls and fluorescent lights and deadly acoustics, we have made of the space a sacred space. Very good periods of silent meditation this morning and evening, with unexpected consolation.

This morning and early afternoon, class sessions on poverty, postponed from earlier dates. We began with a cosmic perspective on poverty. Because we come from God who is gratuity itself, live in God by faith in Jesus Christ, and are returning to God; and because we are dependent on God for everything we are, we  Then we examined how Francis encountered the presence of God in his life through his experiences of poverty. Finally, we zeroed in on the Capuchin life of poverty and minority according to our Constitutions and recent plenary council documents. A good, frank, and promise-filled discussion.

Later this afternoon, a three-and-a-half mile jog; I felt good and felt strong at the end. This evening, viewing a documentary on the life of Blessed Pope John XXIII with a couple of my novice brothers.

Tomorrow, I'm hanging around the friary and intending to write those letters to everyone who wrote me during Advent and Christmas. Also going to think and pray about arising questions and decisions concerning post-novitiate formation.


Cool and sunny; a delight.

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