Monday, June 17, 2013

O My God, Pardon Me

O my God, pardon me, pardon me for my coldness, my cowardliness, my wasted time, my pride, my love of my own will, forgive me my weakness and unfaithfulness, the confusion of my thoughts, my forgetfulness of your presence. Forgive, forgive my sins, all the faults of my life.... I thank you for your many graces.

My Lord and my God, come to my aid, help me on whom you have showered your gifts so that I might me converted, and let me use the gifts that you still offer me so that I may do whatever you ask of me, whatever, in your infinite goodness, you call me to do, I who am so unworthy.

Turn my heart toward you, my God, for the sake of our Lord Jesus Christ.... You are all-powerful over your creatures, you can do all things in me. Give me a right mind, give me the wisdom that you promise to all who ask for it. Convert my heart and let me glorify you to the utmost till my last breath and through all eternity. I ask this in the name of our Savior Jesus Christ. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Charles de Foucauld of North Africa (1858-1916)

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