Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Matthias and His Children

Lectio Divina

... join us as a witness....

Acts 1:22 (New Living Translation)


Johnson, Friends of God and Prophets, in the chapel. National Catholic Reporter on the night-table.


Still dealing with a sore throat. I can speak, but I cannot sing as I would like. That frustrates me.

Today the Church celebrates Saint Matthias, chosen by lot to replace Judas Iscariot as one of the Twelve, as an apostle, "as a witness of Jesus' resurrection." My meditations on the communion of saints, assisted greatly by the Johnson book, were deepened by the homily this morning. We commended not only Matthias -- about whom nothing is known reliably except that he was appointed formally to take his place in the company of witnesses to Jesus Christ -- but also all the unnamed and hence "unofficial" disciples, true followers of Jesus who also witnessed by their lives to the life-giving words and works of the Son of God. A saint like Matthias represents for me the great multitude of anonymous women and men whose thoughts, words, and deeds have been effaced over time or suppressed by the powers that still stand in the way of God's reign, but whose witness remains a beacon for those who wait with great longing for the fulfillment of the promises of Christ. Known by God and by God's friends, like Matthias they bring to its full number the fellowship of the Holy Spirit. They complete the body of Christ.

This morning, continuing our study of the prayers of Saint Francis. Now, to watering the grounds and taking a vigorous walk this afternoon.


Cooling off.

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