Monday, April 15, 2013

Wisdom and Spirit

Lectio Divina

... the wisdom and the spirit with which he spoke.

Acts 6:10


Continuing Dietrich, Broken and Shared. Finishing The Pilgrim. Getting to National Catholic Reporter in snatches.


Returning to study of Scripture and methods of criticism in our class sessions for the next two weeks. We're working in teams of three. My group will read Mark 15:33-41 and make a presentation next Monday on the world behind the text (the cultural, historical, and social context of this Gospel's author), the world in the text (literary issues presenting within the passage itself), and the world in front of the text (how the church(es) in their tradition(s) have received and interpreted the text through history).

Off now to the grounds to tend the compost heap, pull weeds, and such earthy things. Calling a friend and partner in ministry from Boston this afternoon to talk about the past, present, and future. Also to find out about the awful event that just happened downtown -- two explosions, apparently bombs detonated in a hotel in Copley Square, near the finish line of the Boston Marathon. Dozens of people are hurt, a few now in the emergency room. Prayers flying now, and hoping for reliable information to come soon.


Cooler than I expect for the season. But I should learn to expect nothing, or expect the unexpected.

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