Thursday, April 5, 2012

A Luminous Letter

Continuing a chronicle of pilgrimage with the homeless and recently housed contributors to The Pilgrim, published by the Cathedral Church of St. Paul. To my brothers and sisters in Christ, as we come to the cusp of the Easter Triduum, I greet you with wishes for a blessed Holy Thursday. May you celebrate the feast of the Lord's Supper with great anticipation of the divine promises that have already been and are yet to be fulfilled by the God who raised Jesus.

Here follows a luminous letter.

The Brayne of Jayne

by Jayne Eisan

I'm sitting here writing with a black gel pen on yellow lined paper. If you could see this rough draft I'm writing, you'd agree. Not many -- except the colorblind -- would dispute that this paper is indeed yellow, there are lines on it, and the ink is black. Right? The paper is yellow; that's what we believe, that's what we were taught when we were small. But what if we're wrong? What if we have accepted as fact a totally flawed logic that says "If most people agree it must be a fact" -- when what I perceive as yellow my fiancee perceives as blue, only he calls it yellow because that's what HE was taught ... I don't know exactly where I'm going with this except to say I see the world the only was I can -- through MY eyes -- and I believe what I believe, but others have different eyes and believe different things. It might just be true that in order to experience the true beauty of this world we have to see it instinctively through other people's eyes, creating a multi-levelled seven-billion-dimensional panorama of richness and awe-inspiring glory. When we can do that we will know what God looks like.


  1. Thank you for publishing this in your blog, I have always considered being quoted as one of the highest honors you can pay someone so when I found this I was deeply moved; I'm glad you considered it good enough to use and it meant something to you.

    God bless, Jayne Eisan

  2. You are welcome, Jayne, and I hope you come by every now and then to this blog to read my own pilgrim letters.

    I know Ecclesia Ministries very well, having worshipped with the Common Cathedral community regularly from 2006 to 2009 and occasionally thereafter until I moved out of Boston last August. Surely you and I have met before. Give my regards to Kathy and all the ministers at Ecclesia, and say hello to Tina when you see her at St. Paul's Cathedral.

    Pray that God will guide my steps as I continue my journey into Capuchin Franciscan life. May we hear the still small voice of the Holy Spirit, and then let us speak as well as we have heard. Peace be with you in the name of the risen Christ.
