Monday, March 5, 2012


Saying prayers, at this moment, in no particular order,

For peace and reconciliation in the Church, the world, our nation, our neighborhoods, our families, and ourselves.
For my postulant brother who with his family buried his grandfather today.
For all the people in these Brooklyn neighborhoods who are dealing with unhealthy and uncontrollable anger over helpless situations.
For a safe journey to Albany and back with Neighbors Together, and for legislator meetings that have a positive impact on our people.
For a daily renewal of my intention to act fraternally toward my brothers, neighbors, and enemies.
For a friend who faces eviction.
For my Boston friends, that we might remain close in spirit.
For ministerial women religious in the United States who show us the changing face of religious life.
For my Catholic siblings who struggle with the "institutional church." For all Christians who look on with hope, fear, and anxiety at what the clerical leaders of the Catholic Church say and do.
For all who are entering the Church. For all who are leaving the Church.
For all who are about to be born. For all who are about to die.
For undocumented immigrants facing persecution at the hands of neighbors, employers, and the state.
For refugees worldwide. Today I am thinking of men, women, and children fleeing from Syria into Lebanon.
For workers suffering from impoverishing wages, unsafe conditions, and demeaning treatment. Today I am thinking about car wash employees.
For the people I promised to pray for but whose intentions I have forgotten. For the people I have forgotten to commend to God's providential care.
For the wisdom to ask rightly for the things God knows I need. For the good sense to recognize and be thankful for the gifts given and about to be given.
For resistance when we face our tempters, first of all ourselves. For deliverance from evil, first of all the evil we bring upon ourselves.
For the grace to forgive whatever I cannot yet forgive or cannot yet even see must be forgiven.
For imagination, invention, and industry. For vision and the virtue to project the vision from soul into soul and from life into life.

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