Thursday, October 20, 2011

Gut Check

This week it has come into my awareness that it feels very ordinary to be doing what I am doing right now. The common prayers, the meals taken together, the daily apostolate, our regular instruction, the frequent fraternal excursions, and the occasional free time for solitude, for seeing old friends, for blessed misty contemplation or holy fiery action: It is all so ordinary.

But it is not mediocre. It is substantial.

It is the clothes I wear. It is the air I breathe. It is the skin I am in. This religious life, it feels like my life. I cannot imagine being anywhere but here in this life, in its train of moments. This is the track I am on. There will be no switching tracks now.

Let those who are anxious for greatness look to it themselves. Let God do the great things. Let me confess my weakness and uselessness and strive in lowliness to do a few good things. Having found a way I can be good for life, or at least better than I have been: let this be the only greatness of which I can boast.

This life is not mediocre. It is unique. It is given.

It is for me. It is changing me.

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