Sunday, June 23, 2019


Hello once again from Cochabamba. The wings of human ingenuity and the wings of kindly angels have borne me back here from Uyuni.

This week, I will try to get some posts up to describe what I saw on this journey. Mountains and flats, deserts and lagunas, llamas and flamingos: it is marvellous what God has wrought through nature. I kept thinking about Jesus’ words: You are the salt of the earth. You are the light of the world (Matthew 5:13, 14). If only the historical Jesus of Nazareth, who we believe uttered those words about salt and light, had seen the flats of Uyuni, stretching for thousands of square miles under a deep blue sky! Ah, but as Christ he is present in the wonders I saw. I will ask my partners on the tour to send me their photos so I can share them via the blog. It may not be National Geographic, but it will be something! 

Today, a travel day, has been a good day for prayer and reflection. The fruits of these meditations I hope also to share on the blog. Thank you as always for your prayers for me, for those dear to me, and for those I am still learning how to greet as my sister and brother.

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