Friday, November 2, 2012

All Souls

Lectio Divina

"You are not far from the kingdom of God."

Mark 12:34

Indeed, but are you near to it?


Continuing with Crosby, Celibacy, and Miller, Dorothy Day, as before. Continuing with my Catholic periodicals, arriving one day after the other.


It is the commemoration of All Souls. As we say at the conclusion of every evening meal, after reading the necrologies of the friars whose anniversaries of death occur that day, "May the souls of all the faithful departed through the mercy of God rest in peace."

Began the fast to Christmas, with complete abstinence from animal products. Feeling a little cranky. I'll get used to it. For most of the world's poor, it's everyday life.

Today, ministry at Catholic Charities in Santa Maria. It could have been my last day there, depending on when my novice brother and I get to begin our Friday visits to the federal penitentiary in Lompoc. This Sunday, we will accompany the Capuchin priest who is Catholic chaplain for his celebrations of Mass throughout the complex.

This evening, faith sharing in small groups. Energy is up a little more after the evening meal, but still low. A dull day -- they come sometimes. It's good to remember at moments like these that God is a God of the living.


Temperate midday but cold at both ends.

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